Love Wins Every-time Inc.’s first goal
is to reach young adults
While planning their futures, most young people are not well prepared for life’s negative outcomes. One thing that can help them live successful lives is finding the right partner. Someone, who they can truly rely on through the ups and downs of life and before ever thinking about starting a family. When young people fall in love, they tend to overlook red flags.

Some of LWE’s posts prompt its followers to take off their rose-colored glasses in an attempt to save them precious time and inevitable heartache. All in all, if a person is regularly working on their health, mentally and physically, they tend to see things more clearly. Consequently,
LWE also touches on ways to stay healthy, mentally and physically as it all goes towards…
making the future world a kinder and better place to live in.
Follow us on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook to receive or support our endeavors. Love is blind, therefore posting reminders to open up some eyes can assist some people in making the right choices before it’s too late. Settling for the wrong partner can dramatically change the trajectory of a person’s life, which will not be healthy for the children who witness it.
LWE’s second goal
is to reach parents with young children
Research has determined that young children need to be shown how to choose positive ways over negative ones during the first 5 years of their lives. They need to grow and develop in loving households or be protected from abusive ones. If young children spend regular quality time with adults, who are motivating them to choose productive responses to negative situations throughout their first 5 years, they will have a better chance of living effective lives in the future.
This crucial fact is not acknowledged enough, which could be a good explanation as to why the world is the way it is today. This important awareness motivated LWE to create fun and inexpensive ways to help adults spend more productive, quality time with young kids. Every young child deserves to be empowered with these practical tools that are endorsed by child experts.

According to science, 90% of a child’s brain fully develops during the first 5 years of their life. This does not leave much room for erasing the negative behaviors they have observed or adopted during this time and is a confirmed reason for why people find it difficult to change as adults.
LWE’s concepts are simple but carefully crafted to be brief and entertaining to a young child (and their busy caretaker) while also instilling and enlightening them on ways to cope with difficult issues that can pop up throughout life.
Daily quality time with an adult is needed for a young child to grow into a healthy adult. Quality time is only “quality,” if it’s one on one with zero distractions. Paedology research confirms that one of the number one things a child needs to grow into a healthy adult is to “be noticed.” Young children, through no fault of their own can turn out to be menaces to society as adults, if their feelings are ignored or undervalued. Consequently, it’s worth giving a child more quality time at least in their very crucial first 5 years of life!
An unhappy child causes a family much strife
A happy child is one less worry in life